


English pronunciation

Friends S1-EP12

1. He made a move on me. make a move on (one) To attempt to attract one romantically. The term is usually used negatively. Ew, that guy made a move on you? He'slike twice your age.

The Science Behind Why Music Makes Us Feel So Good

www.lifehack.org 1. Our coming of age is marked by a personal soundtrack 2. attest (v.) to show something or to say or prove that something is true: Thousands of people came out onto the streets to attest their support for the democratic o…

What are you doing? (What is your job?)

2:20 - We would like to hire those who can speak English and are intereseted in working at our company.

About Improving speaking skill (my opinion)

I've been studying English for almost 10 years since I was a freshman in an University. Recently, I realized that the most important thing to improve speaking skill is to understand the English used and spoken in the specific situations an…

About family food in Japan

Everyone has a favorite so-called "mother's taste" dish. For me, it is Mapodofu.Mapodofu is a chinese spicy dish made of been curd with green onions, minced beef and some chinese flavorings. This is not a Japanese dish, but I love this so …

Breasts: The Real Reason Men Love Them

www.huffingtonpost.com 1. staple (n.) a basic food, or a main product or material: Because of the storm, most stores were low on staples such as bread and milk.Scandals are a newspaper staple. 2. curvaceous (adj.) A curvaceous woman has a …

Friends S1:EP9

1. I was wondering do you think it would be possible if I got a hundread-dollar advance on my salary? a) spoken used to ask someone politely to help you I was wondering if I could borrow your car?b) used to ask someone politely if they wou…

Talking about my career 1

I was not able to continue to capitalize on that as well as I used to be.

Friends S1:EP8

1. vague (adj.) not clearly stated, described, or explained, or not clearly seen or felt: She had a vague feeling that something had gone terribly wrong.I have only a vague memory of the house where I lived as a child. 2. Do you know what …

Friends S1:EP7

1. The weirdest place would have to be the foot of the bed. Basically Rachel is being depicted as a terribly boring person who has only had a really boring sex life. Her sex life up until that point consisted, apparently, of sex in a bed w…

Talking about Eigonodo

The oppsite word of "concrete" that I would like to say in the audio was "abstract"

Talking about my English

Talk to myself with words that I don't often use. Preposterous - completely unreasonable and ridiculous; not to be believed: Necessarily - (esp. in negatives) in all cases; as an expected result:(negatives = negative sentences) Not necessa…

Friends S1:EP6

1. be out of my league(高嶺の花みたいなニュアンス) someone or something is too good or expensive for someone to have: She was the most beautiful girl in school, and I knew she was out of my league. (Definition of “someone/something is ou…

Friends S1:EP5

You weren't there! (あなたはそこにいなかったじゃない!→助けてくれなかったじゃない!) sudsthe mass of small bubbles that forms on the surface of a liquid, esp. on water mixed with soap That ought to do it.(上手くいったみたい) It's a com…

Talking about a teacher at Cambly

Day4: Cyber Monday

Cyber Monday Today, when I saw CNN, the topic was about Cyber Monday, which is the biggest period for selling and buying some stuff in the U.S. Whey do I know this? Because I was a one of the companies to sell stuff in the U.S. during this…

About Cambly

[1:15] She looked really nice compared to the picture.

Day3: Pet

Pet I used to have pets when I was a kid. There were two hamsters in my house. The one was called "Uri-boh", but I don't remember the name of another one. I would like to say sorry to him. The two hamsters were no getting along with each o…

The comment for the class at Cambly

Day2: Sport

Sport I'm not big fan of any sports, so I haven't played and watched any sports recently. When I was a junior-high school student, I was a member of table tennis club. I was practicing and playing table tennis enthusiastically during the f…

The comment for the class that I took at Cambly today.

1. (0:38) [More specific] I took an English lesson, and the teacher was a kind of old man who had a white long mustache and was wearing glasses. 2. (0:47) It's a nice(good) start has a negative meaning. I shouldn't have used this phrase. A…

英語喉スタート時のBento box

喉発音ver (After) Bento box lunches are special to Japan. Bento is a lunch that has many dishes. The most typical bento has fish, rice, pickles, and different kinds of vegetable dishes. Some kids take them to school. Some people take them …

Day1: Family

https://www.nippondream.com/topic/johnhall01 Family There are four members in my family. Father, mother, older sister and I. They all live in Japan, but I live in Serbia. Both of my parents are still working, but my sister is not working a…